Κυριακή 27 Μαΐου 2012

Ἀσφοδελίνα ἡ κιτρίνη ,Asphodeline lutea

King's Spear, Yellow Asphodel  

Asphodeline lutea is the most common of the yellow asphodels in Crete. It grows in phrygana, garigue and rocky places from sea level to an altitude of about 1000 m and flowers from March to June. It can form large communities that look very spectacular when in bloom.
According to Homer, the souls of the dead are gathered in a meadow of Asphodeline in Hades.
Asphodeline lutea  grows in all the eastern Mediterranean (from Italy and Sicily eastwards).

Asphodeline is a genus of perennial plants in the family Xanthorrhoeaceae, subfamily Asphodeloideae. From the Mediterranean, it has fleshy roots and fragrant, starry flowers that are yellow in May to June. It grows up to 4 ft in well-drained soil. Its foliage is blue-green and grassy, with tall, narrow flower spikes. It takes at least three years before newly-planted seedlings flower. The yellow flowers always make an interesting addition to the late-spring garden. The individual flowers on the spikes open in a seemingly random order, and do not last long, being replaced quickly by other flowers.
A brevicaulis (Bertol.) J.Gay ex Baker
A damascena (Boiss.) Baker
A liburnica (Scop.) Rchb.
A lutea (L.) Rchb.

A taurica (Pall.) Endl       http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asphodeline


(βοτανική) κρινοειδές ποώδες φυτό (Asphodeline lutea ή Asphodelus luteus)

ασφόδελος αρσενικό


§  ακαρώνι
§  άρβυκας
§  ασφέρδουκλας
§  ασφοδελίνη
§  ασφοδήλι
§  ασφοντύλι
§  ασφόντυλος
§  περιδρομόχορτο
§  σπερδούκλα
§  σπερδούκλι
§  σφερδούκλας
§  σπουρδακύλα
§  σφερδούλακας

King's Spear
Family   Asphodelaceae
Synonyms           Asphodelus luteus.
Habitats               Dry grassland[50], rocky and stony places[45], usually on limestone[187].
Range   Mediterranean in Southern and Eastern Europe, North Africa and east to the Caucasus.
Edible Uses                                                  
Edible Parts: Flowers;  Leaves;  Root.
Edible Uses:
Root - roasted. This food was highly valued by the ancient Greeks, who roasted the roots like potatoes and ate them with salt and oil or mashed them with figs. The roots are not very thick but are abundantly produced and have a nice nutty flavour. They can be harvested at any time of the year, but are best used when the plant is dormant in late summer and early autumn. They do not store well and should be used within a few weeks of harvest. Young shoots - cooked. They smell less than pleasant whilst cooking but have a fairly bland flavour. Some people find that they have a very pleasant flavour. The plant comes into growth in late summer and the autumn, the young shoots can be harvested in moderation all through the winter. Flowers - raw. A delightful sweetness, they are a very decorative and tasty addition to the salad bowl but should be used as soon as possible after harvesting because they soon start to decompose. The flowers are very short-lived and are best picked in the late afternoon - thus you can enjoy them visually during the day and gastronomically in the evening. There is also said to be a double-flowered form, which will have twice the quantity of petals, though we do not know its name.

Ασφοδελίνα η κιτρίνη (Ashpodeline lutea). Απαντά στις περιοχές της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου και οι βλαστοί της φθάνουν το ύψος του 1,50 μ. Οι βλαστοί είναι λεπτοί, τα φύλλα λεπτά και βραχεά και τα άνθη κίτρινα. Ζει στη νήσο Ρόδο, στα λοιπά νησιά της Δωδεκανήσου και στην Κρήτη. Ανθίζει την άνοιξη ,αλλά και στην Βόρειο Ελλάδα,Κικλίς,όρος Παικο και αλλού(Μάρτιος-Απρίλιος). 
 Το εντυπωσιακό με το άνθος του φυτού είναι η αντίθετη κατεύθυνση (προς τα επάνω ) των τριών πετάλων και (προς τα κάτω ) του ενός πετάλου και των αναπαραγωγικών οργάνων του φυτού.

Asphodeline lutea in Anopolis -- Crete